Year-End Giving
Deadline December 31st

Year-End Giving
Deadline December 31st

Year-End Giving
Deadline December 31st
To all our donors – past and present
The last year has been difficult for many and even more so for people with mental health conditions, and to those supporters who have been able to continue their charitable donations since the pandemic started, we deeply appreciate your support. For other supporters who have scaled back or paused their giving because of issues including the impact of Covid-19, you are just as appreciated, and we wish you every blessing so you and your family can get back to a firm foundation.
Charitable Donations Supporting Mental Health In The Time Of Covid-19.
Our donors frequently choose to leave comments when they are making their donation, and reading their notes can be both heartwarming as well as heart breaking, but the one thing it always affirms is the undeniable need to normalize the conversation around mental health.
In this unusual time, we have seen life as we know it and many of our freedoms put on hold as we take measures to eliminate Covid-19. In addition to how the pandemic has impacted many people’s physical health, there has been a staggering impact in relation to mental health. While very often less obvious from a distance or hidden behind a mask, it is all too easy to be completely unaware of how it may have surfaced in the lives of our co-workers, friends and our family members.
Since the pandemic started, the foundation has seen the intersection of two statistics shift dramatically. One has increased and the other decreased.
Compared to the years prior to the pandemic, since January 2020 many people are dealing with unfamiliar levels or increased levels of:
On top of the health concerns many have for themselves and their families, either because of job losses or general financial concerns, it has not been uncommon for families to take a second and third look at their personal budgets as they look to make more family centric financial priorities during these times.
In a world of NO – Let your Year End Support be your YES!
Since the start of the pandemic, in various states or cities across the country, and around the world, we have all been subject to being told NO to one degree or another:
… and the list goes on.
As we approach the end of the year, remember you still have time to lower your taxes for 2021 through your YES for charitable donations. Supporting nonprofits like the Mental Health Foundation could be a much needed lifeline as they plan activities for 2022.
Why make year-end charitable donations?
Throughout the year, many companies and individuals may understandably direct their focus in ways that more align with fiscal preservation and conservation, but for others with a more robust financial experience across the previous 12 months, taking advantage of charitable donation tax deductions by making a donation is something that benefits those giving and receiving.
Full understanding of income tax deductions resulting from charitable giving, or how donations can offset IRA taxes should be gained from speaking with a financial or tax professional. This is especially true for individuals whose mortgage interest, charitable donations, and taxes amount to more than the standard deductions since they may want to get guidance on itemized deductions.
Also, if you have a job, your employer may have an Employer Matching program where they will match your donation up to a certain percentage of your income.
Topics for discussion with a tax, legal or financial professional.
Among the different topics to cover in a conversation with a tax professional, and to find out how much of a donation is tax deductible, consider raising the following talking points to see what applies in your circumstance:
You can also check with H&R Block for advice on charitable giving, but just make sure their content is for the current year.
Year-end Giving Guidance From Financial Institutions.
Various financial institutions prepare guidance for their clients around year end giving. Check the following links for additional useful information, or contact your bank for more info:
Other Ways to give.
For those who wish to support the foundation, but are unable to make this happen through the more traditional means, it is also possible to support us in the following ways:
To all our donors – past and present
The last year has been difficult for many and even more so for people with mental health conditions, and to those supporters who have been able to continue their charitable donations since the pandemic started, we deeply appreciate your support. For other supporters who have scaled back or paused their giving because of issues including the impact of Covid-19, you are just as appreciated, and we wish you every blessing so you and your family can get back to a firm foundation.
Charitable Donations Supporting Mental Health In The Time Of Covid-19.
Our donors frequently choose to leave comments when they are making their donation, and reading their notes can be both heartwarming as well as heart breaking, but the one thing it always affirms is the undeniable need to normalize the conversation around mental health.
In this unusual time, we have seen life as we know it and many of our freedoms put on hold as we take measures to eliminate Covid-19. In addition to how the pandemic has impacted many people’s physical health, there has been a staggering impact in relation to mental health. While very often less obvious from a distance or hidden behind a mask, it is all too easy to be completely unaware of how it may have surfaced in the lives of our co-workers, friends and our family members.
Since the pandemic started, the foundation has seen the intersection of two statistics shift dramatically. One has increased and the other decreased.
Compared to the years prior to the pandemic, since January 2020 many people are dealing with unfamiliar levels or increased levels of:
On top of the health concerns many have for themselves and their families, either because of job losses or general financial concerns, it has not been uncommon for families to take a second and third look at their personal budgets as they look to make more family centric financial priorities during these times.
In a world of NO – Let your Year End Support be your YES!
Over the last year, in various states or cities across the country, and around the world, we have all been subject to being told NO to one degree or another:
… and the list goes on.
As we approach the end of the year, remember you still have time to lower your taxes for 2021 through your YES for charitable donations. Supporting nonprofits like the Mental Health Foundation could be a much needed lifeline as they plan activities for 2022.
Why make year-end charitable donations?
Throughout the year, many companies and individuals may understandably direct their focus in ways that more align with fiscal preservation and conservation, but for others with a more robust financial experience across the previous 12 months, taking advantage of charitable donation tax deductions by making a donation is something that benefits those giving and receiving.
Full understanding of income tax deductions resulting from charitable giving, or how donations can offset IRA taxes should be gained from speaking with a financial or tax professional. This is especially true for individuals whose mortgage interest, charitable donations, and taxes amount to more than the standard deductions since they may want to get guidance on itemized deductions.
Also, if you have a job, your employer may have an Employer Matching program where they will match your donation up to a certain percentage of your income.
Topics for discussion with a tax, legal or financial professional.
Among the different topics to cover in a conversation with a tax professional, and to find out how much of a donation is tax deductible, consider raising the following talking points to see what applies in your circumstance:
You can also check with H&R Block for advice on charitable giving, but just make sure their content is for the current year.
Year-end Giving Guidance From Financial Institutions.
Various financial institutions prepare guidance for their clients around year end giving. Check the following links for additional useful information, or contact your bank for more info:
Other Ways to give.
For those who wish to support the foundation, but are unable to make this happen through the more traditional means, it is also possible to support us in the following ways: