Improve your health during Men’s Health Month

By the Mental Health Foundation.

Note from the founder: As Men’s Health Month draws to a close we want to take the opportunity highlight men’s overall health which also includes mental health. Many times, men […]

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Improve your health during Men’s Health Month2022-06-29T18:59:53-05:00

LGBTQ+ and Mental Health

By the Mental Health Foundation.

Note from the founder: This is both an immensely broad as well as sensitive topic, and we recognize there may be components missing or others that could be covered […]

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LGBTQ+ and Mental Health2022-06-29T18:34:56-05:00

How to help Ukrainian refugees


Thank you for taking a moment to read this article about practical steps you can take to help support Ukrainian refugees here in the US and abroad. […]

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How to help Ukrainian refugees2022-05-30T17:23:43-05:00

Mental Fitness and Self-Care


Two years ago, on a Friday afternoon, I was walking down the middle of Fifth Avenue. The iconic New York Public Library […]

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Mental Fitness and Self-Care2022-05-23T11:05:14-05:00

May is Mental Health Awareness Month 2021

By Jerry Avenaim | FOUNDER |

May is mental health awareness month, and I would like to take this opportunity to explain what that means, and how you can partner with us to create […]

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month 20212023-03-04T16:24:31-06:00

Covid-19 Mental Health and addiction

By Sanya Virani MD, MPH. | CONTRIBUTOR |

While the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic continues, people are being consumed by anxieties and stresses and greatly impacted by economic ravages, which […]

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Covid-19 Mental Health and addiction2021-08-26T09:44:31-05:00

Mental Health Misconceptions

By Emma Violet | CONTRIBUTOR |

I’ve wanted to upload a blog post like this for some time.  The desire to write this post intensified following personal, first-hand experience of mental […]

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Mental Health Misconceptions2021-05-26T11:01:20-05:00

This is How it Feels to Live With Severe Anxiety

By Eleanor Morgan | CONTRIBUTOR |

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, more people are dealing with anxiety than ever before, and for some people it can present as a severe anxiety […]

This is How it Feels to Live With Severe Anxiety2021-05-26T11:03:59-05:00
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